Thursday, May 16, 2013

Alexander Clawson
Resocialization is when someone changes their everyday norms thoughts due to a change in their social setting. There are many examples a few are; when someone is forced or is talked into Alcoholics Anonymous, they are expected to change their norms from walking routes if it is a problem, to their hobbies. Not everything has to change but many things do such particularly those that has to do with what they are getting away from. In the case above alcohol and the problems it has caused with the habits and norms it developed. However, not all resocialization is good. In many cases resocialization is bad or even dangerous, such as drugs, porn and weight loss. People pick up on their first socialization when they are young. This socialization comes from the people the children recognize as their authority figure. These authority figures can be parents, friends, or some homeless man that they believe is the one they have to be. We usually change in small ways slowly over time. However, when resocialization is talked about it is usually very rapid and is not the best or nor worst but is uniquely different and might be reprinting in a way others find strange based on their personal history with the individual. Childhood friends are great examples of this. A friend you had the was slightly bookish that moved away for ten years, comes back and now they are a total jock or tool something like that, that others who knew him could not believe in the direction they resocialized to. 

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