Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Prompts for Blog #2

Your next Blog post  is due Thursday May 16, 2013 at 11:59PM.

Here are some prompts to help get you started...know that you may choose your own topic as well. Make sure it is from chapters 3,4,5 or 8 (anything in the socialization power point is okay).

1. Socialization in the Family. Discuss the process of socialization as it happens within the family unit. Tell us what things  your parents emphasized, then cite an academic article that investigates social factors in what parents stress in raising their children.
2. Deviance. Define what deviance is, sociologically. Then, choose an example from the news of someone who was deviant. Discuss what aspects of society might have motivated them to act.
3. Social Control. Explain the idea of social control. Then elaborate on one way an institution (government, education, etc) engages in social control. Have you ever felt like someone/something else was dictating your behavior?
4. Gender Socialization. Describe what is meant by gender socialization. Citing an academic source, elaborate on an example of how expectations differ for men and women. Have you ever felt constrained by these expectations?
5. Societal change over time. Using terms related to culture, such as norms, beliefs, values, etc., give an example of an aspect of socialization in America that is different now than it was in a different time. Remember to document "the way it was" using an article or photo. Try asking a grandparent about their life to get ideas.

HINT: Go to Google Scholar to search for academic articles on your topic. Keep in mind you are teaching something in the post, not sharing an opinion. Also try Gapminder.org to see the relationship between any two variables--it's awesome!

Guide for Blog Posts:
1. Choose a theory, concept or idea that we have discussed in class, or that closely relates to class material, citing an academic source (like a textook or JOURNAL article).
2. Select an example to illustrate the concept, or support/refute the theory. This may be a research article, video, song, news piece, book, personal experience, local story, interview, etc.
3. Provide at least one “discussion question” to provoke classmate’s responses
4. Comment on a classmate's post if possible

Rubric for Blog Posts:
1. Mentions a relevant theory, concept or idea with proper citation
2. Gives a coherent explanation/example that shows comprehension of chosen topic
3. Free of major grammatical errors and offensive remarks
4. AT LEAST two academic references (including the textbook)  or statistics from a credible website

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