Monday, April 1, 2013

The First Blog Post

Your Blog #1 is due THURSDAY APRIL 25TH AT 11:59PM.
You are welcome to submit an OPTIONAL BLOG by Tuesday April 16th at 11:59PM. I will provide feedback on your optional blog so that you can make changes and submit a top-notch blog post for Blog #1. It is a chance to get some hints for a good blog.

Below are a few prompts to get you started, and a guide for posts. Please read carefully!
Please know that you are welcome to email me your work/ideas and drop by my office to discuss anytime before you post. Would love to chat sociology with you!

1. The Sociological Perspective. Discuss the difference between “common sense” and the sociological perspective. Choose a “common sense” assumption and suggest a way to “test” that assumption.
2. Personal Trouble vs. Public Issue. Find a news article of an event and classify it as “personal trouble” or a “public issue”; back up your claims with available statistics if possible.
3. Sociological factors. Explain the difference between individual and structural factors. Choose an example of a social phenomena and cite the individual and structural influences on that behavior.
4. Culture. Choose a concept that is a component of culture. Cite examples from our culture (this can be U.S., Utah, your home country) and a different one.
5. Theories. Choose a theoretical perspective and discuss what “parts” of society a sociologist from that perspective would examine. OR, choose a social problem and suggest what a certain theorist might say causes the problem.

Guide for Blog Posts:
1. Choose a theory, concept or idea that we have discussed in class, or that closely relates to class material, citing an academic source (like a textook or JOURNAL article).
2. Select an example to illustrate the concept, or support/refute the theory. This may be a research article, video, song, news piece, book, personal experience, local story, interview, etc.
3. Provide at least one “discussion question” to provoke classmate’s responses
4. Comment on a classmate's post if possible

Rubric for Blog Posts:
1. Mentions a relevant theory, concept or idea with proper citation
2. Gives a coherent explanation/example that shows comprehension of chosen topic
3. Free of major grammatical errors and offensive remarks
4. AT LEAST one academic reference or statistic from a credible website

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